Install OPenVZ and SolusVM in a Server !

SolusVM requires the following specification:

  • CentOS 5+ based linux operating system
  • At least one external IP address
  • OpenVZ – Ensure you have the correct partition requirements –
  • Xen – Ensure you have the correct partition requirements –
  • OpenVZ – Ensure you are running an OpenVZ Kernel
  • Xen – Ensure you are running a Xen Kernel

Installing a Master

In SSH as root do the following:

chmod 755 install

Select option 1
You will now be presented with the next menu as illustrated below:

If you need to install a master that won't host any virtual servers, select option 2 (recommended)
If you need to install a master that will host virtual servers, select option 1

The install will now do it's work.

Remembering to disable SELinux as required.

Once installed go to http://myipaddress:5353/admincp/ and login using (uname) vpsadmin (pword) vpsadmin


For any issues while installing contact

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